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Board Update 5/13/2024



Board Recognition/Presentations

Agenda Item 3.0 

Jr. High Schools – Student Senate and 5th to 6th Grade Transitions – 3.01

Friendship Junior High staff and students presented to the Board of Education about the important process of transitioning from 5th to 6th grade. The presentation highlighted five key stations that incoming 5th graders experience during their visit: 

  • Mastering the basics 
  • Engaging student life 
  • Exploring the campus 
  • Meeting the mentors 
  • Clap out for community 

The goal is to make every student transitioning from 5th to 6th grade feel welcomed and supported in their new environment.   

You can view the presentation here and watch it here.

Superintendent Reports

Agenda Item 5.0 

Class Sizes, Sections, and Programming Updates – 5.02 

In preparation for the 2024-25 school year, Superintendent Bresnahan gave an overview of the current class sizes, sections, and programs along with considerations for future planning. This is an effort to identify the classroom needs of students in all schools and programs across the district. The board agreed to continue the discussion at the June board meeting. 

You can watch the discussion here.

action items

Agenda Item 7.0 

NSSEO Budget Adoption: 2024-2025 School Year – 7.01

The Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO) Governing Board has prepared a proposed budget for 2024/25. This budget is the culmination of broad and inclusive discussions over the past several months. 

District 59’s share of the tentative Education and Building Fund budgets is $2,905,121, a 3.8% increase ($105,950) over the prior year’s budget. 

The Board of Education adopted the NSSEO 2024-25 Budget. 

Approval of District 59 Education Foundation Donation – 7.02

The District 59 Education Foundation donated a total of $15,835.05. Below is the breakdown. 

  • One year subscription to the Calm App for all CCSD59 employees, in the amount of $15,120. The Calm App supports employee mental health and builds resilience through better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved mindfulness
  • The purchase of additional picture frames, totaling $715.05, for the student art display that will be put up at the Administration Center

The board approved the donation from the District 59 Education Foundation.

discussion items

Agenda Item 8.0 

To Adopt Fiscal Year, Place 2024-2025 Tentative Budget On Public Display, and Set Date for Public Hearing – 8.01 

The public hearing on the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 will 

be dependent on the board setting an August time and date. Any suggestions or changes to the tentative 2024/25 budget will be reflected in the Final 2024/25 budget to be presented for approval at the September Board of Education meeting.

You can watch the discussion here.

Determination of Serious Safety Hazards Related to Student Transportation – 8.02

The Serious Safety Hazards have been approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). As part of preparations for 2024/25 student transportation services, the administration has reviewed the conditions and certified to the State Board of Education that the hazardous conditions remain unchanged. The determination as to what constitutes a serious safety hazard must be made by the School Board on an annual basis, in accordance with guidelines promulgated by IDOT in consultation with the Illinois State Board of Education. 

You can watch the discussion here

Food Service RFP – 8.03

The district released the Food Service RFP on March 11, 2024. The RFP was issued to 16 vendors listed on the School Nutrition Programs state website. There was a required pre-bid meeting on March 21, 2024, and five vendors attended, including Aramak, Arbor Management Inc., Quest Food Management Services, Organic Life, and Whitsons Culinary Group. The RFP opening was on April 25, 2024, and our current service provider, Organic Life, was the only vendor that submitted an RFP. 

After a careful evaluation process, the Administration is recommending Organic Life with an increase in lunch of 2.75%. 

You can watch the discussion here.  

Appointment of School Treasurer – 8.04

In accordance with section 5/8-1(c) of the Illinois School Code, the Board is required to appoint a School Treasurer for each fiscal year. The Board will take action at a future meeting to appoint Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CSBO, Ron O’Connor, as School Treasurer, effective July 1, 2024.   

You can watch the discussion here

School Treasurer Bond – 8.05

In accordance with Section 8-2 of the Illinois School Code, the School Treasurer is required to execute a bond, and the bond must be approved by at least a majority of the members of the board. The Board of Education will take action at a future meeting to appoint Ron O’Connor, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, CSBO as School Treasurer. 

You can watch the discussion here

Direct School Treasurer To Transfer Interest Earned In The Debt Service Fund To The Educational Fund For Fiscal Year 2023-24 – 8.06

As part of the District’s long-term Financial Plan, 100% of interest earned in the Debt Service Fund is to be transferred for use in the Educational Fund. This will occur effectively with the 2023/24 year-end closing process. 

You can watch the discussion here

Direct School Treasurer To Transfer Interest Earned In The Working Cash Fund To The Operations and Maintenance Fund For Fiscal Year 2023-24 – 8.07 

As part of the District’s long-term Financial Plan, 100% of interest earned in the Working Cash Fund is to be transferred for use in the Operations and Maintenance Fund. This will occur effectively with the 2023/24 year-end closing process.

You can watch the discussion here

Bid For Sealcoating, Restriping, and Crack Filling At Various D59 Facilities – 8.08

CCSD59 maintains an asphalt maintenance program that requires sealcoating, restriping, and crack filling of approximately half of the district’s parking lots and playground areas every other year. This program is designed to prolong the life of the asphalt. 

This summer, asphalt maintenance is scheduled for sealcoating and crack filling at the following locations: Administration Center, Byrd, Devonshire, Early Learning Center, Forest View, Grove, and Holmes. Restriping will be done at all sites except Brentwood. Hastings Asphalt Services submitted a $74,543.23 total low and responsive bid for the completion of the work specified. 

You can watch the discussion here.

Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal – 8.09 

Willis Towers Watson represents the district as its broker for Worker’s Compensation. They have provided us with a renewal effective July 1, 2024. 

United Heartland is the incumbent insurer, and continues to provide the best coverage at the most affordable cost. The premium has increased 8% to $604,265. 

You can watch the discussion here. The board will vote at a future meeting to renew the workers compensation insurance. 

Board reorganization

Agenda Item 9.0 

Determination of Length of Office – President, Vice President, and Secretary to the Board of Education – 9.01

The board determined the length of office to be one year for the president, vice president, and secretary. The next election will be held in 2025. 

Establishment of Stipend for Board of Education Secretary – 9.02

The board has decided not to establish a stipend for the Board of Education Secretary and the stipend will remain zero dollars. 

Nomination and Election of President – 9.03 

The board voted and elected TR Johnson as the new president of the Board of Education.

Nomination and Election of Vice President – 9.04 

The board voted and elected Dr. Joseph Sagerer as the new vice president of the Board of Education. 

Nomination and Election of Secretary – 9.05 

The board voted and elected Robert Mancilla as the new secretary of the Board of Education. 

Set Time, Dates and Location for Regular Meetings of the Board of Education for Next Twelve Months – 9.06

Beginning July 10, 2024, regular meeting times of the Board of Education will be 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays at the Administration Center. The calendar of board meetings will be posted on the district website.

Appointment of IASB Governing Board Representative – 9.07 

The board appointed Dr. Joseph Sagerer as the IASB Governing Board Representative.

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