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Board Update 2/12/2024



Board Recognition/Presentations

Agenda Item 3.0 

Frost and Brentwood Elementary Schools – Musical Instruments – 3.01

Students and staff from the music programs at Brentwood and Robert Frost Elementary showcased what they had been learning this year. They performed with xylophones, ukeleles, and led all in attendance in a folk dance routine. You can watch the presentation here.

Superintendent Reports

Agenda Item 5.0 

Winter Benchmark – 5.01

The board viewed a presentation on how the district is assessing student progress in math and reading as part of winter benchmarking. The administration also shared a longer term view of progress being made around key strategic plan goals, ranging from 2021-2024. Highlights of the celebrations shared include:

  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Goal: Students meeting the KPI target have increased by 4.0 (reading) and 8.0 (math) percentage points since the fall of 2021
  • Reading and math percentages of students on grade level have regularly improved and, as of this winter benchmark, match (reading) or exceed (math) when comparing on grade level rates to students in Illinois and nationally
  • Data shows positive learning gains for students qualifying for intervention services in both reading and math over the last two school years. Also, the rates for students who qualify for intervention that receive services has increased to 84% in reading, 75% in math, and 100% in behavior.

Additional information was shared about the district growth in reading and math on the Education Recovery Scorecard. This was developed through a Harvard and Stanford partnership to track COVID-19 related learning loss and recovery. CCSD59 students are exceeding learning levels when comparing 2018-19 results to 2022-23.

The presentation slides can be viewed here and the discussion can be watched here.

Summer School Update – 5.02

The board viewed a presentation regarding summer programming for 2024. This year’s programming will be called Summer LEAP (Learn, Explore, Achieve, Perform), and will include enrichment courses, newcomer courses, a Spanish dual language academy, and double-accelerated math for fifth grade students. A sports and music camp will also be offered. 

You can view the presentation slides here and watch the discussion here

Action items

Agenda Item 7.0 

Approval of 2024/2025 Holidays – 7.01 

Each year, the board adopts a resolution establishing official holidays for the next fiscal year. The holiday schedule serves as a guide to establishing holidays and for implementing employee collective bargaining agreements.

  • Thursday, July 4, 2024: Independence Day
  • Monday, September 2, 2024: Labor Day
  • Tuesday, November 5, 2024: General Election Day
  • Tuesday, November 26, 2024: Columbus/Indigenous People’s Day
  • Wednesday, November 27, 2024: Veterans Day
  • Thursday, November 28, 2024: Thanksgiving Day
  • Friday, November 29, 2024: Day-After Thanksgiving
  • Tuesday, December 24, 2024: Christmas Eve
  • Wednesday, December 25, 2024: Christmas Day
  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024: New Year’s Eve
  • Wednesday, January 1, 2025: New Year’s Day
  • Monday, January 20, 2025: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Monday, February 17, 2025: President’s Day
  • Monday, May 26, 2025: Memorial Day
  • Thursday, June 19, 2025: Juneteenth National Freedom Day

The board approved the designated holidays for the 2024-25 school year.

Approval of the 2024/2025 Traditional School Calendar – 7.02

Annually, the board adopts a resolution establishing the school calendar for the upcoming school year. The calendar is designed to comply with requirements from the Illinois State Board of Education and to align with the calendars of neighboring school districts. A draft calendar was presented to the board for discussion in January, and additional drafts, including balanced calendar options, were also discussed

The board voted not to approve placing all CCSD59 schools on the Traditional Calendar for the 2024-25 school year.

Approval of the 2024/2025 Traditional & Aligned Balanced Calendars – 7.03

The board voted not to approve placing CCSD59 schools on the Traditional Calendar with the Ridge Family Center for Learning on an aligned start balanced calendar for the 2024-25 school year.

Approval of the 2024/2025 Traditional & Early Balanced Calendars – 7.04 

The board approved placing CCSD59 schools on the Traditional Calendar with the Ridge Family Center for Learning on an early start balanced calendar for the 2024-25 school year. You can view the approved school calendars for next year here

Approval of the Master Agreement with Nicholas and Associates – 7.05 

In December, the board approved a contract with Wold Architects and Engineers for architectural and engineering services related to the design and construction of Brentwood and other projects. The District entered two separate agreements to be utilized dependent on whether a construction manager will be utilized for certain projects.

The board approved Nicholas and Associates as the construction manager for the Brentwood project, given their established relationship with the District.

Approval of Wold Educational Alignment Study Proposal for Remaining 11 Schools – 7.06 

Wold submitted a proposal per the Board’s request to complete Educational Assessments of the remaining 11 schools in CCSD59. Wold previously completed assessments for the three junior high schools, as well as Brentwood Elementary. The proposed process for the remaining CCSD59 schools would begin in February 2024, with an anticipated completion and board presentation of the findings in August 2024. The proposed fee structure is $7,000 per school, which includes a full assessment of each building from a teaching and learning perspective. 

From this work, Wold will produce Educational Alignment Assessments to evaluate how adequate each site is to deliver a future-ready instructional curriculum.

The board approved the proposal.

Adoption of Policies from PRESS Update 113 – 7.07

The Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) Policy Reference Manual provides a system for regularly updating policies to ensure legal compliance. Every policy is reviewed at least once every five years or as a result of state or federal, Illinois School Code, or Illinois School Board of Education (ISBE) regulation or rule changes. The administration also makes recommendations for policy revisions as needed. Additionally, the board of education is required by School Code to review select policies either annually or every two years.

The board approved the recommended revisions, which will reflect in the Board of Education Policy Manual.

Approval of District 59 Education Foundation Donation – 7.08

The board approved a donation of $5,600 from the District 59 Education Foundation, with $100 going to the Empowerment Fund and $500 to each CCSD59 elementary. The $500 total for each school will be used to support incoming kindergarten students attending CCSD59 schools in the 2024-2025 school year.   

Approval of John Jay PTO Donation to John Jay Elementary School – 7.09

The board approved a $2,074.99 donation from the parent teacher organization at John Jay Elementary. The donation will be used to purchase audiovisual equipment to support student clubs including yearbook and broadcasting club for morning announcements. This includes cameras, tripods, lighting, mics, memory cards, and a step and repeat banner. The equipment will allow students to learn valuable digital media production skills and will also benefit the entire school community.

Discussion items

Agenda Item 8.0 

Resource Allocation Process Overview – 8.01

Annually, the Human Resource Department delivers a resource allocation update to the Board of Education, providing insights on the future staffing needs of our district. Staffing resource recommendations are influenced by programming initiatives and expansion, fluctuations in student enrollment, and adjustments for special programming needs. All staffing allocation adjustments are contingent on district programming structures, facility availability, and financial sustainability.

The board received a review of the allocation process and historical information regarding equal versus equitable staffing allocation approaches at all buildings. The board was also presented with structural challenges in the district that impact resource needs and recommended allocation increases per each employee type. The presentation slides can be viewed here while the discussion can be watched here. As additional needs are determined, district leaders will share information and suggestions to be approved by the board at a future board meeting.

2024/2025 School Year Pay Bus Fee – 8.02

Each year, the board approves the pay bus fee for the coming year. This is the amount a family will pay to have their child transported if it is determined that the student is non-eligible for free transportation. 

Before proposing a pay bus fee for the 2024-25 school year, the board viewed a presentation and held discussions on the district’s transportation services as well as cost. You can view the presentation slides here and watch the discussion here.

The board will vote on the pay bus fee at an upcoming meeting.

Food Service Contract – 8.03

The administration will be seeking proposals from companies willing to operate the district food service program at all facilities. Qualified companies will provide onsite management and operational support. The district is prioritizing food quality, student participation, and service in this search. 

Boundary Change Brentwood/Devonshire for 2024/2025 – 8.04

As part of the proposal for the Brentwood construction project, it is necessary for the district to reduce enrollment at the building. Part of this effort includes gradually shifting students in the Spanish dual language program from Brentwood to Robert Frost. This began two years ago with Brentwood Kindergarten students in the dual language program beginning elementary at Robert Frost. 

Another part of reducing enrollment is reviewing and possibly changing one section of the current Brentwood boundary for the 2024-25 school year. The change would move students in this section to Devonshire as their home school. You can view this discussion here

The board will vote to approve the boundary change at an upcoming meeting.

Bid for Refuse/Recycling Service – 8.05

CCSD59 issued a bid for vendors to provide general refuse and recycling pickup service for a one-year term, with an option for two additional one-year renewals. The agreement shall be from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. The rates in subsequent years are not to exceed the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) for December of the current school year. 

Republic Services, the district’s current vendor, submitted the lowest bid for completing the work specified for an approximate monthly total of $6,800.90. The administration continues to be satisfied with the level of performance and service provided and recommends that Republic Services be awarded the bid.


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